API Reference

2023.07.25 🎉🎉🎉 Big Update!

  • Multiple API plans launched! More dedicated and professional API for institutional users to build your own crypto projects!
  • Now you can check your API request log on our website. Go to tokeninsight.com, log in, and check your personal center API Key, and TA-DA!
  • New endpoint: /api/v1/coins/gainers & /api/v1/coins/losers to retrieve the top gainers and losers in the market.
  • New endpoint: /api/v1/coins/newly_listed to retrieve the latest listed tokens on our website! https://tokeninsight.com/en/cryptocurrencies/newly-listed
  • New endpoint: /api/v1/global to retrieve the global status of the crypto market, including total market cap, trading volume, open interest, bitcoin dominance, and more!


  • Added offset and limit-based pagination to API endpoints that return multiple items.
    • Clients can now specify an offset and limit parameter to control which items are returned.
    • The offset parameter specifies the number of items to skip before returning results, while the limit parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return.
    • Responses now include a page_info field indicating the total number of items matching the query, which can be useful for implementing client-side pagination.
  • The following API endpoints are targeted: /api/v1/coins/list, /api/v1/exchanges/list, /api/v1/rating/coins.


  • exchanges' historical data endpoint /history/exchanges/{id} added. You will be able to retrieve any exchange's historical trading volume.


  • coins' historical data endpoint /history/coins/{id} added. You can retrieve any token/coin's price, market cap, and 24-hour spot trading volume historical data. Intervals include day, minute, and hour.


  • Renamed endpoint coins 'Retrieve coin tickers' to 'Retrieve coins markets', with URL /coins/{id}/markets
  • The old URL /coins/{id}/tickers will also continue to serve you. You don't need to make any changes if you are using it.
  • "data":{"tickers"[]} was also updated with "data":{"markets"[]} in the response from this endpoint. Please update your code if you use this field in your application.


  • New endpoint for getting rating data of any token /rating/coin/{id}
  • New endpoint for getting rating data of all tokens /rating/coins


  • Renamed endpoint exchange's 'Retrieve exchange tickers' to 'Retrieve exchange markets', with URL /exchanges/{id}/markets
  • The old URL /exchanges/{id}/tickers will also continue to serve you. You don't need to make any changes if you are using it.


  • New endpoint for exchange's verified/unverified tickers /exchanges/{id}/tickers
  • New endpoint for news /news/list
  • New endpoint for research articles/reports /research/list


  • New endpoint for tickers /coins/{id}/tickers
  • Add tickers in coinDetail

2022.06.15 TokenInsight API v1 released

We have released our API v1, and it is free to the public. Everyone can use it.